Kigali, or at least what I have seen so far, is a pretty amazing city. Well paved roads and big sidewalks. The car exhaust is a little much though so I thought if I were going to go for a run I would do it early. It wasn’t feasible for me to bring a bike and with my broken wrist, running is my exercise of choice for the next few months. It’s plenty bright at 6 AM so I went out and started running and noticed something amazing. There were hundreds of Rwandans out doing the same thing. This was not an organized thing, just groups of one and two joggers out. Men and women and all smiling as I went by and giving a encouraging quick clap. I thought Richmond had an active running community but this was fantastic to see.
Back to the hotel for breakfast and they are playing Kenny Roger’s greatest hits with “Islands in the Stream” and the “Gambler” bringing back some memories. I hadn’t heard KR in years. Sadly I had to hear from some of the 20 something riders about how they knew of Kenny Rogers from their parents.
I am getting ready for the prologue in the hotel, but in the background through our window there are all these great Sunday morning sounds filling the valley below our hotel. Multiple churches with singing and drumming and although they are not synchronized the sounds complement each other to provide a cool Sunday soundtrack.
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